It can be tricky to keep on track of your finances without a plan. It can also be tricky factoring in a cost to your monthly budget which you’d completely forgotten about. Trackers not only give you the peace of mind, but they are also really motivating as you can visualise reaching your goals each.
The Ultimate Budget I have created is in .xlsx file format and will only be available to download if you have the most up to date version of Microsoft excel. It also uses macros only available to windows users (so won’t work on a Mac/numbers/pages/in Google sheets) so please check this before purchasing (as I cannot refund once you have ordered due to the digital nature of the product). This will need to be saved as a Macro-enabled workbook for the clickable buttons to work.
The spreadsheet includes:
– A budget vs actual financial summary – with up to 13 periods
– Easy to use clickable buttons to give you different views
– All formulas are automatically added when new rows are inserted
– A joint budget so you can track your share of expenses
– A bonus sinking funds tracker, for up to 20+ different funds
– A bills tracker
– A fully customisable bills calendar
– Customisable dates tab, so perfect for any budget
– 11 pages instruction pdf
– An example budget to show you how the numbers / formulas work, inclusive of instructions also
**Please note this item is a digital product*** and once purchased you can download it from your confirmation email. No physical product will be sent.
Due to the digital nature of the product, you will be unable to return it once purchased. This therefore means that no refunds will be issued. If you do have any issues though, please do contact me. By purchasing the product, you are agreeing to these terms.
All trackers are copyright of Budgetjonesdiary and resale or redistribution without permission is strictly prohibited.
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